This file has 7 sections

1. A few examples showing Process information, mem usage, cpu, handles etc.., and altering processes

2. A few examples of retrieving system information (system, memory, drives, hardware)

3. A few examples of listing Services

4. A few examples of altering the state of services

5. A few examples on how to get network information

6. For reference: A very basic listing of some DOS (cmd) commands, for file, directory, or task management.

7. A few wellknown scanning/tracing tools



1. A few examples showing Process information, mem usage, cpu, handles etc.., and altering processes:



1.1 Some Powershell examples:



PS C:\> Get-Process #shows all processes (with details like handles, cpu etc..)

PS C:\> Get-Process s* #shows all processes with an executable name starting with an "s"

PS C:\> Get-Process excel #shows details about the excel process

PS C:\> Get-Process excel | Select-Object name,fileversion,productversion,company #shows  name, fileversion,productversion,company of excel

PS C:\> Get-Process | Select-Object name,fileversion,productversion,company #as above, but now for all processes

PS C:\> Get-Process | where { $_.Name -eq "DataSafeOnline" } #shows details on the process "DataSafeOnline"

PS C:\> Stop-Process 533 #stops the process with process id (pid) 533

PS C:\> Stop-Process -processname winword #stops the process named winword

PS C:\> Stop-Process -processname xyz* #stops all processes starting with a name xyz*

PS C:\> kill -processname xyz* #an alias to "Stop-Process" is "kill", thus performing the same action.

PS C:\> get-process | where { $_.Name -eq "abc" } | foreach { $_.Kill() } #stops all processes with the name "abc"


1.2 Some CMD prompt utility examples:



C:\> tasklist #shows all processes with name, memory usage, pid etc..

C:\> tasklist > c:\temp\processlist.txt #shows all processes and put it in a txt file

C:\> tasklist /FI "memusage gt 40000" #shows only processes where the "filter" (FI) memusage gt 40000 is true

C:\> tasklist /FI "cputime gt uu:mm:ss" #shows only processes with cpu >"cputime" using the filter cputime in uu:mm:ss

C:\> tasklist /svc #shows processes and what is a service

C:\> tasklist /svc | find "svchost" #shows which services run under svchosts processes

C:\> tasklist | find "Ora" #shows only the processses with details, with a name where "Ora" is part of


C:\> taskkill /pid 1480 #kills process with pid 1480

C:\> taskkill /pid 1530 /pid 1603 /pid 1153 #kills the processes with the pids 1530, 1603, 1153

C:\> taskkill /f /im abc.exe #if you do not know the pid, you can use the image (process) name

C:\> taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding" #kills a process using the filter "status equals not responding"


C:\> wmic PROCESS get Caption,Kernelmodetime,Usermodetime #Shows list of processes with KernelModeTime and UserModeTime statistics

C:\> wmic PROCESS get ExecutablePath, Caption,PageFaults #Shows list of processes with path to executable, pagefaults and other "gets"

C:\> wmic PROCESS WHERE Name="calc.exe" CALL Terminate #kills the process with the name "calc.exe"

C:\> wmic PROCESS call create calc.exe #Creates the calc.exe process


C:\> net file #Shows open files originating from SMB (shared)

C:\> net statistics server #Shows statistics of the SMB server process (file shares)

C:\> net statistics workstation #Shows statistics of the redirector (file shares)




2. A few examples of retrieving system information (system, memory, drives, hardware):




2.1 Some Powershell examples:



PS C:\> Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor                                                   #show detailed cpu information


PS C:\> Get-Wmiobject win32_computersystem #show Domain, user, Computername, Manufacturer, memory


PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | #show Domain, user, Computername, Manufacturer, memory

>> Format-List Name, Manufacturer, Model, #but more nicely formatted.

>> SystemType, Description,

>> NumberOfProcessors, NumberOfLogicalProcessors,

>> @{Name="RAM"; Expression={[math]::round($($_.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB), 2)}}


PS C:\> Get-WmiObject win32_LogicalDisk #Listing all logical disks, with size, free space etc..

PS C:\> Get-Wmiobject win32_OperatingSystem #Get details on the Operating System



2.2 Some CMD prompt utility examples:



C:\> systeminfo #shows very detailed systeminfo

C:\> systeminfo > c:\temp\sysinfo.txt #puts detailed systeminfo in a txt file


C:\> msinfo32 # much systeminfo in graphical windows (not all win versions)

C:\> msinfo32 /report c:\temp\diag.txt # very detailed information placed in a txt file


C:\> driverquery #detailed information on drivers


C:\> wmic cpu > c:\temp\cpu.txt                                                         #get all cpu info in a txt file

C:\> wmic cpu get NumberOfCores                                                        #get cpu Core info


C:\> wmic memphysical #get mem info

C:\> wmic irq #info on irq's

#get mem info

C:\> wmic bios #get all bios info

C:\> wmic bios get Manufacturer,ReleaseDate,SerialNumber,Version #get some bios specifics

C:\> wmic diskdrive #get all disk info

C:\> wmic diskdrive get SCSIBus,InterfaceType, SerialNumber,Signature, DeviceID #get selection of disk info

C:\> wmic cpu #get all cpu info

C:\> wmic cpu get CurrentClockSpeed,L3CacheSize,DataWidth,Status #get some selections of cpu info

C:\> wmic computersystem #get loads of info about your computer

C:\> wmic computersystem get AdminPasswordStatus,TotalPhysicalMemory,DomainRole #get some selection of computersystem

C:\> wmic/? #get help on what you can do with this powerfull command




3. A few examples of listing Services:



3.1 Some Powershell examples:



PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped"} #show all stopped services

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"} #show all running services

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"} | out-file running.txt #show all running services, place in txt file.

PS C:\> Get-Service | Where-Object {$ -like "*Ora*"} #only show *Ora* services

PS C:\> Get-Service #show all


3.2 Some CMD prompt utility examples:



C:\> net start #show all running services

C:\> net start | more #show all running, line by line

C:\> net start > c:\temp\services.txt #show all running services, place in txt file.

C:\> net start | find "Ora" #only show *Ora* services

C:\> net start | find "AVG" #only show *AVG* services


C:\> sc query #show all

C:\> sc query > c:\temp\services.txt #show all running services, place in txt file.

C:\> sc interrogate MSSQLServer #only show MSSQLServer

C:\> sc query | find "SQL" #only show *SQL* services


C:\> wmic service get caption,startmode #show all: name+startmode

C:\> wmic service get caption, PathName #show all: name+exe path

C:\> wmic service get name, ProcessID #show all: name+ ProcessID

C:\> wmic service get name, ProcessID | find "Ora" #only get info for *Ora* services

C:\> wmic service get name, ProcessID, ServiceType | find "Ora" #only get info for *Ora* services

C:\> wmic service get name, ProcessID, ServiceType | find "Ora" > c:\temp\ora.txt #only get info for *Ora* services, place in txt file


C:\> tasklist /svc #shows processes and what is a service

C:\> tasklist /svc | find "svchost" #shows which services run under svchosts processes




4. A few examples of altering the state of services:



4.1 Some Powershell examples:



PS C:\> Stop-Service "print spooler"#stops the service

PS C:\> Start-Service "print spooler"#starts the service

PS C:\> Stop-Service -displayname "Bluetooth service"#stops the service

PS C:\> Stop-Service iisadmin -force -confirm#stops the service, which also needs a confirm

PS C:\scrips> .\stop_ora.ps1

Where the script "stop_ora.ps1" is something like:

foreach ($svc in Get-Service){

  if(($svc.displayname.StartsWith("Oracle")) -AND ($svc.Status -eq "Stopped")) {

    echo $svc.DisplayName

    Start-Service $




4.2 Some CMD prompt utility examples:



C:\> net stop "print spooler"#stops the service

C:\> net start "print spooler"#starts the service

C:\> net stop OracleServiceDBTEST11g#stops the service

C:\> net start OracleServiceDBTEST11g#starts the service


C:\> sc stop spooler#stops the service

C:\> sc start spooler#starts the service


C:\> sc.exe create MyService #for illustration only.

   binPath= "C:\usr\bin\myhttpd.exe -k runservice"This command creates a service. However, there are some

   DisplayName= "My http Service"constraints on the application to let it run correctly under Service Control.


C:\> sc.exe delete MyService#deletes a service




5. A few examples on how to get network information:



5.1 Some Powershell examples:



PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration #shows network information of all adapters:  IP, DHCP etc..

PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter #shows network information of all adapters: speed, MAC Address etc..


PS C:\> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration #shows only IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

   -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE -ComputerName . | Select-Object -Property IPAddress



5.2 Some CMD prompt utility examples:



C:\> systeminfo #shows lots of systeminfo, including network interfaces

C:\> systeminfo > c:\temp\sysinfo.txt #as above, but now placed in a txt file


C:\> netstat -ab #shows all the networkconnections of your machine (-b shows the apps)

C:\> netstat -ab > c:\temp\conn.txt #as above, but now placed in a txt file

C:\> netstat -a -b -f #shows all the networkconnections, including fully qualified domain names (-f)

C:\> netstat -r #shows the routingtable as used by your local machine


C:\> ipconfig #shows basic IP parameters

C:\> ipconfig /all #shows all IP parameters

C:\> ipconfig /release #release current IPv4 address

C:\> ipconfig /renew #request new IP parameters (address, dns) from dhcp Server

C:\> ipconfig /flushdns #remove dns resolver cache 

C:\> ipconfig /registerdns #renew DNS entries (e.g.: if DNS was changed)


C:\> net use #shows all mapped networkdrives

C:\> net view #shows all netbios Server names in your subnet (LanMan browser)

C:\> net view > c:\temp\servers.txt #as above, but placed in a txt file

C:\> net share #shows the fileshares on your machine


C:\> arp -a #shows the arp cache: IP addresses resolved to MAC (card) addresses


C:\> getmac #shows the MAC addresses of your networkinterfaces


C:\> nslookup Servername #used to see how a remote host is resolved by DNS.


C:\> tracert hostname or IP address #shows all hops to reach the destination


C:\> nbtstat -a hostname #shows all netbios registered entries of the remote hostname

C:\> nbtstat -A IP address #shows all netbios registered entries of the remote IP address

C:\> nbtstat -n #shows all netbios registered entries of your local machine


C:\> wmic nic get AdapterType,DeviceID,Caption,MACAddress #wmic allows you to "get" many properties of "nic" and "nicconfig"

C:\> wmic nicconfig get Caption,DHCPServer,IPAddress,MTU


Just a few "netsh" examples:

C:\> netsh interface ip show config #shows all IP parameters

C:\> netsh dump > c:\temp\netinfo.txt #writes extensive network configuration to a txt file

netsh is very extended shell by itself. 

You can retrieve info from,  or configure, all networkobjects.

For using "netsh", you deserve a dedicated tutorial.


C:\TEMP> netsh int ip reset reset.txt                                                   Resetting your TCPIP stack, and sockets.  

C:\TEMP> netsh winsock reset                                                            Those commands might help if network connectivity issues are present,

                                                                                        while the system worked well at an earlier time.





6. For reference: A very basic listing of some DOS (cmd) commands, for file, directory, or task management.



TASK from commandline:EXAMPLE COMMAND:


- Moving around directories (or "folders"):C:\some_path> cd ..# go back to parent directory (one level up)

C:\some_path> cd \# go to the "root" of this disk or partition

C:\some_path> cd \temp# goto c:\temp from any location

C:\some_path> cd \data\excel# go to c:\data\excel from any location

C:\some_path> cd E: # go to that disk or partition


- Listing the contents of a directory, for example C:\DATAC:\DATA> dir#simple listing

C:\DATA> dir /s /p#listing of all files in all subdirectories too

C:\DATA> dir *.doc /s /p#searching for all .doc files in all directories

C:\DATA> dir *pay* /s /p#searching for any file with "pay" in it's name,

#through all subdirectories.

C:\DATA> dir /o-d#listing on date/time, from new to old


- copy or move a file, or set of files.C:\DATA> copy a.doc b.doc#now you have two files with the same content

C:\DATA> copy payments.doc H:\BACKUPS#copy payments.doc to H:\backups

C:\DATA> copy *.doc H:\BACKUPS#copy all files with extension .doc to H:\BACKUPS

C:\DATA> move *.doc G:\ARCHIVES\WORD#move (not copy!) of all .doc files

C:\DATA> copy *.* H:\BACKUPS#copy ALL files in C:\DATA to H:\BACKUPS

#(but not the files in subdirs: see xcopy)

C:\DATA> rename a.doc b.doc#a.doc is now called b.doc


- creating a directory (folder).C:\DATA> md excel#creates the folder excel within c:\data

- deleting an empty folder.C:\DATA> rd excel#deletes the folder excel, if it's empty


- deleting files (no recycle bin !)C:\TEMP> del a.txt#deletes the file a.txt

C:\TEMP> del *.txt#deletes ALL .txt files from C:\TEMP

Be carefull !!C:\TEMP> del /F /Q /S *.*# Be carefull!! Deletes all files (included

#files in subdirs) without confirmation,

#from the "starting location" C:\TEMP

- xcopy: Suppose you want to copy (or backup) C:\DATA> xcopy *.* F:\BACKUP /s /h

  all files in all subdirs, EXISTING in for example (xcopy will create subdirs at the target location as needed)

  the directory C:\DATA, to, for example, F:\BACKUP



- Suppose you want to perform some action (like delete) on C:\> forfiles /P C:\webserver\logs /S /M *.log /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @FILE"

  some set of files, based on some criteria, for example 

 "delete of logfiles which are older than 30 days".

  Note that you can place the command in a .cmd batch file, 

  and that you can schedule it.


- Viewing the contents of a flat ascii file,C:\TEMP> type systeminfo.txt#view all content in one run

  for example, you want to view the contents of C:\TEMP\systeminfo.txtC:\TEMP> type systeminfo.txt | more#view line by line


- Use of "for" from commandline:

-> For example, register a set of .dll files in registry.C:\dev\lib> for %f in (*.dll) do regsrv32 %f# do not just do this: only for study!

-> Find IP adresses the hard way.C:\> for /f "tokens=15" %f in ('ipconfig ^| findstr "Address"') do @echo %f


- View scheduled tasks:C:\> schtasks

C:\> schtasks | find "Backup" /I#notice that "find" is case sensitive

#and with /I it is not case sensitive





7. A few wellknown scanning/tracing tools:




Many tracing and scanning tools are available, from standard sources like Microsoft (Resource Kit, Sysinternals), as well as from

a few organizations related to "forensic" activities (which tools are probably somewhat less known).


However, here the discussion is limited to just a few wellknown tools from Microsoft.


Actually, in sections 1-6, a couple of tracing tools (like netstat etc..) were already discussed.

So please browse through those sections too.




rpcdump (from ResKit):



Can be used with RPC issues.

By default, the Rpc_Svr_Binding_Order entry contains the following value data: 



Following is a list of protocols for endpoints:


Protocol       Description 

ncacn_np       Connection-oriented named pipes 

ncacn_mq       Datagram connectionless over the Message Queuing server 

ncadg_ipx      Datagram connectionless IPX 

ncacn_spx      Connection-oriented SPX  

ncacn_http     Connection-oriented TCP/IP using Microsoft Internet Information Services as HTTP proxy. 

ncacn_nb_nb    Connection-oriented NetBEUI 

ncacn_nb_tcp   Connection-oriented NetBIOS over TCP 

ncacn_nb_ipx   Connection-oriented NetBIOS over IPX 

ncacn_ip_tcp   Connection-oriented TCP/IP 

ncacn_at_dsp   AppleTalk DSP 

ncadg_ip_udp   Datagram connectionless UDP/IP 

ncacn_vns_spp  Connection-oriented Vines SPP transport 

ncacn_dnet_nsp Connection-oriented DECnet transport 

ncacn_nb_xns   Connection-oriented XNS 


Some of them are sort of "obsolete", like SPX/IPX.


=> Using rpcdump to show all endpoint mappings on your machine:


C:\TEMP> rpcdump /i

C:\TEMP> rpcdump /i /v

C:\TEMP> rpcdump /i /v > rpclisting.txt


Checking for a particular endpoint like ncacn_http:


C:\TEMP> rpcdump /p ncacn_http



epdump (from ResKit):



Additional rpc binding information can be found using the epdump utility.


=> Finding the local machine's bindings:


C:\TEMP> epdump 

C:\TEMP> epdump > dump.txt


=> Showing you \\foo's bindings, connecting over SPX.


C:\TEMP> epdump ncacn_spx foo 



handle (from SysInternals):



This tool displays information about open handles for any process on your system.


=> Showing all processes and handles (to screen, or printed to file).


C:\TEMP> handle

C:\TEMP> handle > openhandles.txt




portqry (Win2K3 Support Tools, newer versions are not "easy" to find and download):



Good utility in your toolkit to perform network diagostics, especially if TCP/UDP ports are open or not.


=> Finding out if a Server would respond to LDAP queries (port 389):


C:\TEMP> portqry -n SRVDC1 -p udp -e 389


=> Showing all endpoints listening on 135:


C:\TEMP> portqry -n SRVDC1 -p udp -e 135




Many  graphical tools (as well as other prompt tools) exists as well. 

Especially having a look at "procmon", as a graphical tool from the "Sysinternals suite", is highly recommended.