- Details
- Written by: po3dno
- Category: Power Shell
- Hits: 131
This post explains how to work with ODBC connections in Powershell. Powershell 4 introduced new cmdlets that make it very easy to create and manage ODBC connections. We use the .NET assembly system.data.odbc.odbcconnection to use ODBC connections present on the system to query the database.
ODBC connections in Powershell 4.0 and higher
Powershell 4 introduced these 4 cmdlets to create, manage and remove ODBC connections. If you for some reason still are on Powershell 3.0, I recommend you to upgrade to Powershell 5.0 which is the newest version at the time of this blog post. Managing ODBC connections in Powershell 3 or older is not fun and requires you to either modify registry or use an .exe file to manage them for you.
- Add-OdbcDsn
- Get-OdbcDsn
- Remove-OdbcDsn
- Set-OdbcDsn
- Details
- Written by: po3dno
- Category: Power Shell
- Hits: 122
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateupdateSearcher().Search("IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0").Updates | Select-Object Title
Stop-Service -Name BITS, wuauserv -Force
Remove-ItemProperty -Name AccountDomainSid, PingID, SusClientId, SusClientIDValidation -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "$env:SystemRoot\SoftwareDistribution\" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Start-Service -Name BITS, wuauserv
wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate).DetectNow()
- Details
- Written by: po3dno
- Category: Power Shell
- Hits: 282
Function New-ISOFileFromFolder{
Creates an ISO file from a filepath
write-host "Creating ISO $Name" -ForegroundColor Green
$fsi = New-Object -ComObject IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage
$dftd = New-Object -ComObject IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data
$Recorder = New-Object -ComObject IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2
$fsi.FileSystemsToCreate = 7
$fsi.VolumeName = $Name
$fsi.FreeMediaBlocks = 1000000 #default 332800
$resultimage = $fsi.CreateResultImage()
$resultStream = $resultimage.ImageStream
Write-IStreamToFile $resultStream $ResultFullFileName
- Details
- Written by: po3dno
- Category: Power Shell
- Hits: 1327
function Get-RandomPassword {
param (
[int] $length,
[int] $amountOfNonAlphanumeric = 1
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Web'
return [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($length, $amountOfNonAlphanumeric)
user2" -split "`n" | %{$user = $_; $pwdplain = $(Get-RandomPassword 8); New-ADUser -Name $user -AccountPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pwdplain -AsPlainText -Force) -Enabled $true; write-host $user $pwdplain}
- Details
- Written by: po3dno
- Category: Power Shell
- Hits: 415
The Set-Service cmdlet changes the properties of a service, along with the starting and stopping of a service.
Before setting the log-on account information for a service, we need to capture the credentials. The credentials can come from user input:
# Prompt for credentials
$Credential = Get-Credential
# Prompt for credentials with message
$Credential = Get-Credential -UserName domain\user -Message 'Enter Password for Service Account'